About JayTee

JayTee has spent more than two decades working for major Japanese companies in Japan, and his business travels around the world have enabled him to interact with people in many countries who depend on Japanese industry for their livelihoods. 

Fluent in Japanese, and well-versed in Japanese history and current events, JayTee has spent the majority of his time in Japan promoting Japanese business around the world. He created the RONJIRU JAPAN podcast as a platform in English for Japanese people, Japan experts and Japan-lovers openly to discuss the beautifully complex tapestry that is Japan today—far beyond the samurai, geisha, sushi, manga, anime, and other stereotypical images that many people around the world hold about the country.

JayTee’s background as a businessperson, writer, translator, and bridge between Japan and the world has uniquely positioned him to tackle big ideas, small details and uncomfortable truths with guests from across the cultural, political, and socio-economic spectrum. His show, the RONJIRU JAPAN podcast, aims to provide a place to discuss and debate various aspects of Japan, and create civil discourse with people we both agree and disagree with, to help Japan tell all of its complex stories.