
We appreciate your support

The RONJIRU JAPAN podcast relies on the kind support of its audience members in order for us to continue providing opinions, analysis and discussions that exist nowhere else. As an audience member, you are aware that our content is accessible free of charge, but also understand that bandwidth, web hosting, technical equipment, researching, editing and everything else we do to maintain a guest calendar are not free for us, and therefore requires your support to continue on an ongoing basis. 

Donate via PayPal

PLEASE NOTE: RONJIRU JAPAN is unable to provide refunds, and donations are not tax deductible in the United States or other countries. 

If you enjoy what RONJIRU JAPAN provides and would like to actively help us maintain operations and guarantee quality guests and discussions, there are a handful of great ways to support us.

The most helpful for us would be a monthly donation. This helps us maintain a monthly operating schedule and allows us to plan and secure future guests. You can cancel at any time. We also welcome a one-time donation as a token of encouragement for what RONJIRU JAPAN is doing. Payments are processed through PayPal. The currency will change as needed for your country after the transaction is complete. 

Want to sponsor an upcoming episode?

Click here to learn about upcoming guests and topics. You can select an episode to sponsor by clicking the “Sponsor this episode” link, and we will place your name and URL on the RONJIRU JAPAN website at the bottom of that episode’s individual webpage.