Short Videos

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Mr. Poland’s silver trumpet.

9th May 2021

Sometimes a special person comes along and makes a lasting difference in your life. This is a brief story about one of those times. When I was a student, the next-door neighbor, who I shall call “Mr. Poland”, lent me a trumpet so that I could join music class at my new school. Little did I know that the trumpet would be the cause of problems at school, and some serious negative emotion. And little did I know that the negative would change into a positive, and Mr. Poland would leave me with a life lesson that I have carried with me every day since. What matters is not the instrument; it’s how well you play it. This video is a quick monologue to encourage everyone to make sure that you cherish your metaphorical trumpet, and keep making it sing as beautifully as possible. The world needs it!

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Legal challenge to the “special” corona regulations. Let’s get back to normal.

26th March 2021

Amid the recommendations stemming from Japan’s second State of Emergency in January 2021, some companies chose not to comply with the “request” to close their restaurants at 8:00 pm., because it hampers business and the financial aid package provided by the government simply can’t cover the bills. Then in early February, the government imposed new laws that empowered Prefectural governments to “order” restaurants to close at 8:00 p.m.. This is an unprecedented set of laws, a grey zone under the Constitution, and one company has stood up and opposed the insufficiently formulated measures that they were told they must accept. The lawsuit is still ongoing in the courts. I love courageous companies. We’ll see how this works out, but I am not optimistic. Hopefully the plaintiff company will win…but I doubt it, because the ramifications would make the new law untenable and un-enforcable. Let’s celebrate their bravery, in an age of cowardice and silent acquiencese.

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Introducing: the 1000-crane campaign

6th December 2020

Participate in RONJIRU JAPAN’s global campaign to collectively fold 1000 paper cranes to send best wishes for healing and hope from the whole world to the whole world. Simply fold an origami crane, take a photo of it, and submit your photo to RONJIRU JAPAN via Twitter or Facebook. Once 1000 photos have been received, JayTee will compile them and release them to the world on RONJIRU JAPAN’s platforms. Let’s make it a truly worldwide effort. For that, we ask that you share this video far and wide. We’d love to see participants from many different countries…as many as possible.

Rules of the campaign:
1. Please only send one photo per person
2. Please include the name of your country
3. By sending/posting a photo, you automatically agree to it being used (usage rights) as part of this campaign.

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Japan’s hidden victims of the pandemic

29th November 2020

In RONJIRU JAPAN’s first direct message video, host JayTee covers some of the latest figures regarding the coronavirus in Japan, as well as other data about an even more frightening and deadly phenomena that is plaguing Japan lately. On November 28, Japan had its highest single-day increase since the pandemic started. People are starting to get increasingly worried, and the government is considering if additional measures are needed, and when that might be.

But as social creatures, many people are finding it hard to cope with the proposed new normal, as jobs gradually disappear and a feeling of isolation is on the rise. The key is to find something enjoyable to do either in your home or outdoors. Let’s find ways to keep going on. Happiness hides itself in many small places.

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Japan’s 10 tips for a new way of life

17th May 2020

Tokyo remains under a state of emergency until the end of May, due to the pandemic. At the start of the emergency, the Japanese government produced a poster entitled “10 tips for reducing contact by 80%”, which is the official advice from both the local and national authorities. These are in addition to handwashing, social distancing and coughing etiquette. In this video, JayTee introduces Japan’s ten tips for a new normal, demonstrating how our diverse world has many different ways to address this problem we all face.

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Poem to my dead friend

19th April 2020

My friend killed himself. Many people cried, including me. As a way to try and understand why he chose to leave, I wrote a poem…a very dark poem, from what I understand to be his perspective. It’s all I could do, since he’s gone.

It’s a difficult time right now. To anyone who feels like The Fool in my poem, know that the universe gets unbalanced when something beautiful disappears. Please don’t unbalance the world. There is a reason why the word “tear” (that which falls from the eyes) and “tear” (rip) are spelled the same. Because when something beautiful is ripped away, we cry.

So hang in there everyone. Everything is topsy-turvy right now, but there is always a golden horizon after the initial storm…which is why I used gold images in this vid.

RIP, buddy. If there is a heaven, I hope they have good trout fishing!

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A tribute to the heroes of the highways

6th April 2020

Let’s send some appreciation to the truck drivers who make deliveries and logistics possible for all of us during this difficult time of this [insert expletive here] virus. Without them, we would be in a much worse situation. Thanks, truck drivers!

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Lonely cherries and the promise of spring

4th April 2020

The cherry blossom season is one of the highlights of the Japanese year. But not this year, 2020. This is a quick monologue to encourage everyone to keep positive as Spring approaches, and not get disheartened about covid-19. Let’s usher in a good Spring full of beauty! Stay safe!

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